School Psych Podcast: Parenting Tips and Teacher Strategies for Supporting Neurodiverse Learners
Welcome to the School Psych Podcast, where we are learning brains and growing hearts! This podcast is a resource for parents, caregivers, teachers and educators, school staff, administrators, or anyone interested in the psychology of learning. Episodes include a variety of formats and topics, such as deep dives on childhood ADHD, anxiety, and learning disability/disorder.
School Psych Podcast: Parenting Tips and Teacher Strategies for Supporting Neurodiverse Learners
15: Ten Tips for Supporting a Struggling Reader
Is your child a struggling reader? Do you teach students with Dyslexia? Then this episode is for you! Also, if you want more information about Dyslexia, go back and listen to episode 9: Deep Dive on Specific Learning Disorder.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
1. Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (imse.com)
2. Fish in A Tree (book by Linda Mullaly Hunt)
3. Aaron Slater, Illustrator (Picture Book by Andrea Beaty)
4. If You Can Dream It, You Can Do It (Picture Book by Colleen Nelson and Kathie MacIsaac)
5. See It, Dream It, Do It, (Picture Book by Colleen Nelson and Kathie MacIsaac)
6. A Walk in the Words (Picture Book by Hudson Talbott)
7. Thank you, Mr. Falker (Picture Book by Patricia Polacco)
8. Understood.org
9. DyslexiaCanada.org
10. DrLizAngoff.com
11. EquippedForReadingSuccess.com
12. ReadingRockets.org
If you have any questions or topics you want me to cover, please click "Fan Mail" and send me a message, or email me at schoolpsychpodcast@gmail.com
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- Ivanna